Dulux Trade Durable Flat Matt White 5L 5082008

Dulux Trade Durable Flat Matt White 5L 5082008

Product description

Dulux Trade Durable Flat Matt is a highly durable, water-based flat matt finish. It has excellent coverage and opacity. Suitable for all normal interior wall and ceiling surfaces, particularly those subject to high traffic such as corridors and stairwells. It also hasan ultra low sheen level, perfect for masking areas of uneven wall surface.

Coverage: A guide to the practical coverage which can be achieved under normal conditionsis up to 17m² per litre.

Drying Times: Single coat at standard thickness.

                         Touch Dry: Dependent on temperature and humidity.

                         Recoat: 2-4 hours.


EU limit value for this product (cat.:A/a): 30g/l (2010).

Ready Mixed: This product contains max. 1g/l VOC. VOC content: Minimal (0-0.29%).

Tinted Colour: This product contains max. 8g/l VOC. VOC content: Low (0.30-7.99%).